So, one of my favorite parts of gardening is probably picking out very unusual and fun containers for my favorite obsession. I think head planters are especially intriguing. I discovered them several years ago when I decided to purchase an antique looking lady's head. I toyed with placing different plants for her hair. It was so much fun. Today, I still find this to be almost an art. I buy the plant knowing it will be great for a head planter. Some good choices would be rat tail cactus, monkey tail cactus, a few of the oreganos like Kent's Beauty, and the stringing type succulents such as String of Pearls.

Then, I rush to figure out the very best planter to be the unique plant's perfect fit. Speaking of fit, be sure to check dimensions so that your plant will be comfortable in its new home...better to be a little too large than too small. If the plant does not like the planter and doesn't make it, it's can always start the process again. lol

When shopping for a planter, always check to see if it has drain holes. I have purchased a planter I loved before without drain holes but it was really a struggle to keep the plant happy. Please enjoy the photos I have posted of examples and realize all of these were purchased from artists on Etsy. Etsy is a wonderful source of brilliant pots. While I can't remember where I purchased the Moon Man from, Mr. Eyebrows is a product of MuddyRiverClay and "Zack" the baby is the work of SueSueSueCrafts.